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Suddenly Xnxx there is a blinding white light and when your vision returns, you are in a different place.  You stand before Tasha Phonixfire, the Lespire that sired you.  She looks ill, very ill, even by undead standards.  She drops a red gem on the table that is between you and leans wearily bracing herself with one hand on the table.

She says caughing up dust and muck: Amber, I know you are angry, and I wouldn’t blame you if you wish to kill me, but at  least Xnxx listen to me before you kill me. I have so little time left anyway, it won’t matter if it’s you or the plague.  My existence is quickly comming to an end.  And so is the Lespire Empire.  There are so few of us left Amber.  This past year, the plague has nearly distroyed all of us!  But you…
